• Guests rate their experience of RCN as an 8.5
  • All our profit distribution go to a good cause
  • Unforgettable for young and old

Good for you, good for each other!

The Story of RCN Holiday Parks

A stay at RCN Holiday Parks is more than just a great holiday. For more than 70 years, we have been offering a unique combination of pitches and accommodation in the middle of nature. We do our very best to make sure that your holiday is good for you, but what you perhaps don’t know is that we also help other people enjoy being away.

It is with this in mind that we are continually innovating and developing to create a safe and natural environment. A unique holiday-experience without ignoring the world around us: ‘Good for you, good for each other’. But it is more than that. For more quick information, see:

Check out RCN's story

RCN Holiday Parks: Good for you, good for each other

Benefitting each other for more than 70 years. We are proud of our origins. Why is RCN the way it is?


1952 - The Netherlands. RCN Holiday Parks was an initiative of the Dutch Reformed Church [Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk] to provide a place for recreation. The Grote Bos recreation centre, now known as RCN het Grote Bos, based on the Hydepark estate in Doorn, was the first. The aim was to provide a modern recreation centre for the lower middle and skilled working classes. And not just for families belonging to the church, but for all families. Very quickly, other RCN parks were opened across the Netherlands.


1999 - France. The first camping site in France was opened. The start of a new and exciting period.


Each RCN camping site and ech holiday park is unique and has its own character. Always a choice between pitches and accommodation and, very important, a beautiful location in nature. So, you know right up to today precisely what you can expect from us.