• Guests rate their experience of RCN as an 8.5
  • All our profit distribution go to a good cause
  • Unforgettable for young and old

The Adventure Trail

For real explorers

Do you love adventure and discovering new places? Then the Adventure Trail is for you!

At every RCN Holiday Park, there are different Adventure Trail posts and these form your Adventure Trail. When you arrive at the park, you will be given your own Adventure Card. You can follow the tail on your own with this or you can join up with Club Sammy at weekends and in the school holidays.

If you want to start preparing for your Adventure Trail beforehand at home, you can! See our Club Sammy colouring pages or help Emma find her binoculars.

  • Your own Adventure Card
  • Go on your own or with Club Sammy
  • Save stickers and earn a fun present!
What is Club Sammy?

How does the Adventure Trail work?

It’s simple. We explain it step by step.